A warm home

Notes on making a warm and inviting home using the five human senses.


Lighting. ambient lighting/ adaptable lighting; natural elements like wood and plants add a pop off color and make the environment bright, fake plants are good too, but stay away from too fake looking plants; natural elements like wood bring instant warmth to the place. Oak and Birch are good contrast to black furniture and metals. Stones could also be experimented with.

"empty walls are often the culprit of the lack of homeliness". Artwork and mirrors. General rule of thumb: fill up 2/3 or 3/4 of available wall space or sofa/furniture. Can never go wrong with a large artwork, but a small one gets consumed by the empty space. Instead, can put equally sized smaller artwork next to each other. Artwork should be placed to be aimed for eye level 50-60" from the ground to the middle of the artwork. Give breathing room above the top of the furniture when placed above it.


Textures. adds depth and helps with coziness of space. Rugs are good, warm up your feet.
"Rugs are artworks for the floor". Comfortable slippers. Cushions, throw blankets, woven baskets. Add to the character and inviting feel to the space.


Fragrance. scented candles, diffusers with essential oils are great.


Music. ambient music.

Source: https://youtu.be/GQDs1Pd9Qtk
Written: 17 July 2023