
Poems, prose and short stories.

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body // instrument

10 May 2024

did you see them?
yesterday hairless.
we ▮▮▮▮▮, up close
a balloon. obese, bloaty now.
hahahaha (muffled)

said he: primal motions
taught by whom, encoded?

he pondered,
their height!
"ugh so twisted!"
he: "but, oh so "
giggle giggle (muffled)

"body a mere vehicle,
born into it; uncontrollable.
not their fault.
what could they change"

body // instrument // static

10 May 2024

did you see ▮▮▮▮ (visibility from third person)
yesterday ▮▮▮▮▮ (shows time).
we ▮▮▮▮▮, up close (intimacy)
a ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ now. (body analogy)
▮▮▮▮ (muffled) (hushed reaction)

said ▮▮▮▮: primal motions (motion)
taught by whom, ▮▮▮▮▮ ? (genes, programmed)

▮▮▮▮ pondered, (third party)
their ▮▮▮▮▮▮! (flaws)
"▮▮▮ so twisted!” (hatred)
▮▮▮▮: “but, oh so. bewitching” (contrast)
giggle giggle (muffled)

“body a mere ▮▮▮▮, (tool)
born into it; ▮▮▮▮▮▮ (helpless)
not their fault. (fault)
what could they change” (no control)

1000 day love story

Feb 2024

"1000 days?"
"1000 days."
"And then?"
"We split."
"No longer?"
"No shorter, indeed"


Feb 2024

"I'm here,
I'll fight for you.
How dare they."



21st Feb 2024

If you need a blanket,
To shield you,
To warm you up,
To snuggle into, on a cold day,
Recharge and replenish as you
Sleep through your fatigue.
And perhaps a heavy one,
That makes your body feel the weight,
keeps you tucked to bed,
and makes you feel held.
I can be one.

माँ ★

17th Feb 2024

बट जाता हूं गैरों में,
दिन की आधी रेत के भाव।
पर एक वो है,
जिसका एक रेत के दाने में दिन बन जाए।

सूने घरों में हम दोनों
सुनहरे पलों को जीते हैं।
मैं आज मेरे अज़ीज़ संग,
पर उसके लिए मेरा बचपन।


17th Feb 2024

The violence of the tears
brimming, overflowing,
blurring the vision,
shaking all i can see

Middle of the sea ★

5th Feb 2024

There is something about
being out,
in the middle of the sea.

The wind, the wave,
be brave,
as they pass next to thee.

The recurring chime,
that rhyme,
of the crashing waves hit me.

The deafening silence,
screaming violence,
of yer thoughts lonely.

Endless horizons stretch,
blurry edge,
as you wander helplessly.

Hope? Even a deja vu,
"Will you,
come looking for me".


17th January 2024

Stack up all the letters I wrote,
Rotting away in the corner
For newer seeds to nourish
And turn into woods
For authors to pen their sagas
and poets to bleed

Bots take my jobs

21st Oct 2021

Another day,
Another abstraction,
Newer jobs,
And job satisfaction

chalks that give you life

studying will kill you
until you come across
the infamous
the MIT chalks



whatever feels great

people love,
people hate
just do
whatever feels great

afternoon power nap

early to bed,
early to rise
afternoon power nap
is laziness in disguise

polygon ★

so few
my friends
with no mask on -
i call it my friend polygon

freckles? ★

if you,
have more marks
never recheck


i wear every shade,
in my imagination
to match it just right,
with my clinical depression